You Want Pre-Sold Clients Calling You Because Of Your Site Content
What You Say On Your Site Should Sell Your Services For You
Most people who call me from my site tell me, “I read every word of your site.”
- They are already pre-sold.
- They are ready to work with me.
- There’s not a lot of additional selling to be done.
- They simply want to have an experience of me to reassure themselves that I’m the person I seem to be on my site.
Sometimes, they have a few questions. Generally, they’re ready to start working. We usually set up a start date of some kind about 20-30 minutes into the call.
That’s Exactly What You Want Your Website Content To Do For You
Your Site Content Should Do The “Heavy Lifting” Of Selling Your Services
What you say on your website about your services should be so crystal clear that a buying decision is easy. Potential clients can easily understand:
- Exactly who you work with and the kinds of problems you solve.
- How you work with clients so they can understand the experience they can expect.
- All the details of your various services so they can easily decide which service fits their needs.
- The details must also leave a site visitor thinking, “WOW, I can see that this would definitely give me the promised results!”
- The back story of your business (your experience, training, acquired expertise) so it’s easy for them to “connect the dots”. It’s clear how you can obviously deliver on your promised results.
- Social proof in the form of reviews, testimonials, and case studies. It’s easy for them to imagine getting the same kinds of results that your previous clients have gotten.
There’s No “Typical” Website Because Each Is Custom
But The Format To Sell Services Does Have A Specific Structure
Many clients need a simple 8-10 page site. Typically, that takes about 30-50 hours of my time.
A simple site to sell services includes content for the following pages:
- Home (typically 2-3 typewritten pages)
- Who We Work With (typically 5-8 typewritten pages)
- How We Work (typically 5-8 typewritten pages)
- A single Service or Program (sales page style) page (typically 8-14 typewritten pages)
- About (typically 5-9 typewritten pages)
- Note that writing this page includes creating a high-end package of your services.
- (3) Case Studies (typically 1-1.5 typewritten pages each)—I interview your selected clients and write the case studies.
- Contact (typically 1 typewritten page)
Many Companies (Tech Companies And Mature Consulting Firms…
Require More Complex Sites That Have More Pages And Take Longer To Write
A more complex site requires more content.
The key, though, is that you need the right amount of content to show authority and demonstrate value. Some of the reasons why you may need a more robust website:
- What you sell is fairly complex and it takes more explanation to convey the full value and benefits.
- You sell only high-end services and need to provide more information to fully convey the value.
- You need use cases and details that demonstrate the complexity in action.
- You must provide more social proof about the expertise and experience of the principals, and their demonstrated results (typically proportional to your prices).
These Are Some Of The Benefits Of The WOW Website Method
My Interview Technique Is The Fastest Way To Get New Website Content
If you want website content on a fast track, this is the way to go. Depending on complexity, full website content can take from 3-12 weeks.
That’s an estimate, not a promise. As an aside, with a very committed client, we once wrote the full content for a website in 21 days.
The time needed depends on the following:
- You make yourself easily available for interviews.
- Typically you invest 1-3 hours a week in the interview, and I write the content.
- If you want your content sooner, we speed up the interviews.
- Often though, clients enjoy the “thinking time” between interviews to play with their vision.
- Instead of writing website content, you maintain your focus on earning money for your services. I write your content in the background while you continue your business uninterrupted.
We Delineate Your Niche and Make Sure It’s Profitable
In Designing A Niche, There Are Two Considerations Of Equal Importance

You want to carve out a niche where you’re significantly qualified to provide top-of-the-field services (i.e., your background positions you as the “go-to” expert).

You want to aim for a target market that can be predictably profitable for your business over time (i.e., there is consistently a large market with a crying need).
Your Increased Profit Drives Our Whole Website Writing Process
You Can Count On Me To Be Your Biggest Champion For Increasing Profit
If I think you could do something different and make more money or have more freedom, I’ll suggest it. I’m constantly throwing out ideas for you to consider. You’ll hear things like:
- If we did it this way, that would provide more value to your market (and you could increase the price).
- If you combined parts of your services, it would be more valuable to clients and you could raise the price.
- If you eliminate this step, you’d reduce friction in delivery and save time and money.
We Use A Comprehensive Strategy To Write Website Content
Everything we do is strategic and designed to provide website content that sells your services. We craft every word of your website to be strategic, and to position your business to capture the market you target.
Our Unique Collaborative Co-Writing Process Precisely Defines Your Business
Collaborating By Zoom Is So Much More Fun Than Writing Web Content Alone
My background as a professional coach comes in handy. I ask you coaching questions that draw out information needed for content.
As you describe your business, you get instantaneous marketing-based feedback. You’ll hear things like the following:
- “That works!”
- “That’s the perfect way to say it.”
- “How about this, does this describe it?”
- “Wouldn’t it be more valuable if you did this?”
This Reality Testing is Priceless
You work with a marketing professional to test your ideas and get honest and valuable feedback. It’s a better (and more fun) way to test the feasibility of what will work best.
You also get Accountability
Working with an efficient coach, you find it easier to keep moving forward with your website content project.
Together, We Actually Evolve Or “Redevelop” Your Business
We Explore Many Different Options For Your Business
- We clarify the target market, services, and strategies that will be most profitable.
- We develop the language, words, and concepts that precisely describe how you and your business work for clients.
- We package or repackage your service offerings to increase their value to your target market—so you can charge more.
- We discuss your methods of delivery and explore passive income potential.
How Long Does It Take? And How Much Does It Cost?
These Are Common Questions I Hear From Potential Clients
When we start, it’s not possible to predict exactly how much time and work your website content requires. There are a lot of factors that can require more or less time.
How Well Developed Your Ideas And Your Business Are
- The clarity of your vision and the level of development of your ideas
and business. - If you’re just starting out and need a lot of development work, it will take longer.

A More Mature Business Tends To Take Less Time
- If you have a more mature business, it takes less time (though we will definitely work on more opportunities for your business).
- How complex the business is and how clear you are on all the details. If you are struggling for clarity, I promise you, we can get there, but expect it to take some time.
- How decisive you are. I’ve noticed that a handful of clients have struggled to plant their flag and that creates churn and takes more time.
Yeah, But You Want To Know How Much It's Going to Cost!
Because Every Site Is Custom, It’s Impossible To Predict
This is my standard answer to, “How much is it going to cost?”
It’s like asking me how much it’s going to cost to renovate a 150-year old house. There’s no way to know until you dig into the project and see what’s really needed to do the best job. I can give you a number, but necessarily it’s a “made-up” estimate and not a promise.
I only want to write great websites that can actually bring you new clients. There are writers who give a “low ball” estimate and then “cut corners” to fulfill it. I just don’t work that way. That’s not going to give you a website that truly represents your business and brings you new clients.
Don’t Delay…Start Now
This is a custom package. For more information click the button below to contact me.
Where To Next?
Now you understand the ways we work with consultants to solve website content problems. To learn more about my successful consultant websites, click Successes.